Latitude and longitude of Western Sahara

  • République arabe sahraouie démocratique (FR)
  • Westsahara (DE)
  • Sahara Occidental (ES)

Satellite map of Western Sahara

The Western Sahara (/ˌwɛstərn səˈhærə/; /ˌwɛstən səˈhɑrə/; Arabic: الصحراء الغربيةAṣ-Ṣaḥrā’ al-Gharbīyah; Spanish: Sahara Occidental; Berber: Taneẓroft Tutrimt) is a disputed territory in the Maghreb region of North Africa, bordered by Morocco to the north,Algeria to the extreme northeast, Mauritania to the east and south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Its surface area amounts to 266,000 square kilometres (103,000 sq mi). It is one of the most sparsely populated territories in the world, mainly consisting of desert flatlands. The population is estimated at just over 500,000, of whom nearly 40% live in El Aaiún (also spelled Laâyoune), the largest city in Western Sahara.

Read about Western Sahara in the Wikipedia

Latitude: 24° 13' 5.92" N
Longitude: -12° 53' 8.15" W

Population: 273,008

Capital: Laayoune / El-Aaiún

Country ISO codes: EH / ESH / 732

Oficial languages:
Arabic (ar)

Oficial coin(s): Dirham (MAD)

Neighbour countries:
Algeria ( DZ ), Morocco ( MA ), Mauritania ( MR )

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Places of interest in Western Sahara