Latitude and longitude of Arhribs

Satellite map of Arhribs

Arhribs is a city in Algeria.

Population: 23,958

Latitude: 36° 47' 37.00" N
Longitude: 4° 18' 41.69" E

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Articles of interest in Arhribs

7 Articles of interest near Arhribs, Algeria

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  • Tizi Ouzou

    Tizi Ouzou (Berber: Tizi Wezzu, ⵜⵉⵣⵉ ⵡⴻⵣⵣⵓ, Algerian Arabic: تيزي وزو) is a city in north central Algeria. It is the capital and largest city of Tizi Ouzou Province.

  • Tigzirt

    Tigzirt is a small town on the coast of northeast Algeria in Tizi Ouzou Province. It has a sleepy demeanor and attracts only a small number of tourists. The ruins of a Christian religion basilica from the 5th century or 6th century are there, situat…

  • Sidi-Ayad

    Sidi-Ayad is a small town in northern Algeria, 3 kilometers from the Soummam River in Béjaïa Province in the Kabylie region. It is made up of four villages (Hamam, Thakhlichth, Azrou and Maala) and is known for its resistance, with the rest of the r…