Latitude and longitude of Velké Losiny

Satellite map of Velké Losiny

Velké Losiny (German Groß Ullersdorf) is a village and municipality (obec) in Šumperk District in the Olomouc Region of the Czech Republic. It covers an area of 46.5 square kilometres (18.0 sq mi), and has a population of 2,832 and lies approximately 10 kilometres (6 mi) north-east of Šumperk, 52 km (32 mi) north of Olomouc, and 188 km (117 mi) east of Prague.

Population: 2,862

Latitude: 50° 01' 55.09" N
Longitude: 17° 02' 26.09" E

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GPS coordinates of Velké Losiny, Czech Republic

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Articles of interest in Velké Losiny

14 Articles of interest near Velké Losiny, Czech Republic

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