Latitude and longitude of Bokito, Cameroon

Satellite map of Bokito, Cameroon

Bokito is a town and commune in the Centre Province of Cameroon in Mbam & Inoubou division at about 20 km of Bafia.It is constitute of more than 10 (ten) villages,Assala,Bakoa,Begny,Bokaga,Bongando,Okolé,Kedia,Ossimb I, Ossimb II, Tchekos,Yorro, Tobagne and Omeng. The Yambassa are the primary ethnic group,there is also Lemandé (Tchekos), Mma'ala (Omende,Yangben),Bafia .It have a subdivisional health centre known as CMA de Bokito, a market happening on monday,a public library, two high schools and many shops in and around the center of the town.

Latitude: 4° 33' 59.99" N
Longitude: 11° 06' 60.00" E

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