Latitude and longitude of Hlybokaye

Satellite map of Hlybokaye

Hlybokaye or Glubokoye (Belarusian: Глыбокае, Russian: Глубокое, Polish: Głębokie) is a town in Vitebsk Region, Belarus, the capital of Hlybokaye Raion (Belarusian: Глыбоцкі раён). The city is located on the international road from Polotsk to Vilnius with the historic railway line to Woropajewo (Варапаева) completed in 1932 in the interwar Poland (the town was incorporated in 1940 by the Soviet Union after the 1939 invasion of Poland).

Population: 22,000

Latitude: 55° 08' 18.24" N
Longitude: 27° 41' 25.80" E

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Articles of interest in Hlybokaye

1 Articles of interest near Hlybokaye, Belarus

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  • Hlybokaye

    Hlybokaye or Glubokoye (Belarusian: Глыбокае, Russian: Глубокое, Polish: Głębokie) is a town in Vitebsk Region, Belarus, the capital of Hlybokaye Raion (Belarusian: Глыбоцкі раён). The city is located on the international road from Polotsk to Vilniu…