Latitude and longitude of Ituiutaba

Satellite map of Ituiutaba

Ituiutaba is a municipality in the western part of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Elevated to city status in 1901, it had a population in 2007 of 100,316 and a total area in the municipality of 2,694 km².

Population: 85,345

Latitude: -18° 58' 27.41" S
Longitude: -49° 27' 43.63" W

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GPS coordinates of Ituiutaba, Brazil

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Articles of interest in Ituiutaba

1 Articles of interest near Ituiutaba, Brazil

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  • Ituiutaba

    Ituiutaba is a municipality in the western part of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Elevated to city status in 1901, it had a population in 2007 of 100,316 and a total area in the municipality of 2,694 km².