Timbaúba is a city in Pernambuco, Brazil.
Itabaiana is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Sergipe.
Population: 19,100
Latitude: -7° 19' 43.00" S
Longitude: -35° 19' 57.00" W
Timbaúba is a city in Pernambuco, Brazil.
São Miguel de Taipu is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Mogeiro is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Itabaiana, Paraíba is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Salgado de São Félix is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Pilar, Paraíba is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Pedras de Fogo is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Juarez Távora is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Itatuba is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Ingá is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Ingá is one of the 48 administrative districts in which the city of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil is divided. It lies in the southern zone of the city, in coast of the Guanabara Bay.
Gurinhém is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Ferreiros is a city located in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Located at 118 km from Recife, capital of the state of Pernambuco.
São José dos Ramos is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Sobrado, Paraíba is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Riachão do Poço is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Riachão do Bacamarte is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Juripiranga is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.