Latitude and longitude of Kulm (flying hill)
- Nearby Bad Aussee, Austria
Satellite map of Kulm (flying hill)
Kulm is a ski flying hill located in Tauplitz, Styria, Austria. Opened on 8 March 1950, the hill is one of only five of its type in the world, allowing for jumps of more than 200 metres. The current distance record of 237.5 m was set by Severin Freund during a training round on 9 January 2015. Daniela Iraschko-Stolz set the women's world record of 200 m in 2003, and is the only woman in history to have jumped to 200 m.
Latitude: 47° 32' 18.99" N
Longitude: 13° 59' 35.69" E