Latitude and longitude of Gadzema

Satellite map of Gadzema

Gadzema is a village in the province of Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe. It is located about 110 km south-west of Harare on the main Harare-Bulawayo railway line. The village grew up around the a railway station that was built on the line. It was named after a nearby hill, Ganidzima Hill, which means "a shining place". Gold was discovered in the area and in 1905 the Giant Mine was opened by is now closed.

Latitude: -18° 01' 60.00" S
Longitude: 30° 08' 60.00" E

Nearest city to this article: Chegutu

Read about Gadzema in the Wikipedia Satellite map of Gadzema in Google Maps
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GPS coordinates of Gadzema, Zimbabwe

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