Latitude and longitude of Santa Maria, California
Satellite map of Santa Maria, California
Santa Maria is a city on the California Central Coast in Santa Barbara County. It is approximately 120 miles (190 km) northwest of Los Angeles (city limits). Its estimated 2013 population was 102,216, making it the most populous city in the county. The estimated population of the metropolitan area is 171,227, which includes Santa Maria, the city of Guadalupe and the unincorporated township of Orcutt. The city is notable for its wine industry and Santa Maria-style barbecue.
Latitude: 34° 55' 14.79" N
Longitude: -120° 25' 27.03" W
Nearest city to this article: Santa Maria, California
Read about Santa Maria, California in the Wikipedia Satellite map of Santa Maria, California in Google MapsLeaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors