Latitude and longitude of MapBlast
Satellite map of MapBlast
MapBlast! was a web mapping service launched in the mid-1990s by Vicinity Corporation. It allowed website owners to incorporate maps in their own web pages, and was later syndicated across most major Web, wireless, handheld and interactive TV platforms including Yahoo!, Excite, Lycos, ATT Interactive and Palm, among others. By 2000, MapBlast was the #2 mapping site on the Web in terms of traffic having undergone a major redesign that was praised by the Wall Street Journal, PC Week and other leading publications.
Latitude: 37° 23' 17.99" N
Longitude: -122° 01' 30.00" W
Nearest city to this article: Sunnyvale, California
Read about MapBlast in the Wikipedia Satellite map of MapBlast in Google Maps