Latitude and longitude of Tunceli Province
- In Turkey
Satellite map of Tunceli Province
Tunceli Province (Kurdish: parêzgeh Dêrsim, Zazaki: Dêsim, Turkish: Tunceli ili), formerly Dersim Province, is located in in the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. It has a majority Alevi Zaza Kurdish population with a minority Sunni Turkish population. The province was originally named Dersim Province (Dersim vilayeti), then demoted to a district (Dersim kazası) and incorporated into Elâzığ Province in 1926. It was finally changed to Tunceli Province on January 4, 1936 by the "Law on Administration of the Tunceli Province" (Tunceli Vilayetinin İdaresi Hakkında Kanun), no. 2884 of 25 December 1935, but some still call the region by its original name.
Latitude: 39° 12' 31.80" N
Longitude: 39° 28' 10.19" E
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