Latitude and longitude of Jämtland County
- In Sweden
Satellite map of Jämtland County
Jämtland County (Jämtlands län) is a county or län in the middle of Sweden consisting of the provinces of Jämtland and Härjedalen, along with minor parts of Hälsingland and Ångermanland, plus two small uninhabited strips of Lapland and Dalarna. Jämtland County constitutes 12 percent of Sweden's total area, 49,443 km2 (19,090 sq mi) and is the third largest county in the country. The county capital is Östersund and the county governor, appointed by the Swedish government, is Britt Bohlin Olsson, who leads the administrative board. Jämtland County borders the counties of Dalarna, Gävleborg, Västernorrland, and Västerbotten.
Latitude: 63° 16' 59.02" N
Longitude: 14° 14' 17.81" E
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