Latitude and longitude of Red Cross Nordic United World College
- In Norway
Satellite map of Red Cross Nordic United World College
The school UWC Red Cross Nordic (UWCRCN), formerly known as Red Cross Nordic United World College, was founded in 1995 and is the ninth member of the today 12 United World Colleges, others having been established in Wales, Canada, Hong Kong, Italy, India, Singapore, Swaziland, United States, Costa Rica, the Netherlands and Bosnia & Herzegovina. Patrons of the college and the movement include Nelson Mandela, Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan and Queen Sonja of Norway. The first college, UWC Atlantic College, was established by the German educationalist Kurt Hahn to promote international understanding and peace. Students are selected by UWC National Committees or selection contacts in over 140 countries on merit and many receive full scholarships. After the two-year education following the guidelines of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program students usually go on to higher education.
Latitude: 61° 19' 34.80" N
Longitude: 5° 20' 4.80" E