Latitude and longitude of Delta State University, Abraka
- In Nigeria
Satellite map of Delta State University, Abraka
The Delta State University, Abraka - popularly known as DELSU, Abraka - is a State government university of Nigeria with a main campus located at Abraka, Delta and a campus at Anwai, Asaba. With the 1995 Amended Edict, now have a campus at Oleh. The University runs a multi-campus system with three campuses within a distance of about 200 km apart. Currently, with a student population of about 36,000 (in the 2007/08 session), the University offers a range of programmes from the full-time certificate, diploma and degree programmes to part-time evening and weekend degree programmes. The University offers post-graduate studies up to a doctoral level. A staff/student counselling centre, an e-learning centre, student accommodation and sporting facilities amidst others are available support services..
Latitude: 6° 30' 59.99" N
Longitude: 3° 23' 5.99" E