Latitude and longitude of Xewkija Heliport
- In Malta
Satellite map of Xewkija Heliport
Xewkija Heliport, or Gozo Heliport, is a small heliport on the island of Gozo in Malta, near the town of Xewkija. It has two 22 meter wide helipads, connected by asphalt, to form a small 174 meter long runway in the 10/28 direction. There used to be scheduled helicopter flights between Malta International Airport and Xewkija Heliport. These were started by Malta Air Charter in 1990, which ceased to operate in 2004. From March 2005 until October 2006 the flights were done by Helicópteros del Sureste. Currently, no scheduled flights take place from the heliport.
Latitude: 36° 01' 22.80" N
Longitude: 14° 16' 11.40" E