Latitude and longitude of Rosita Harbour
Satellite map of Rosita Harbour
Rosita Harbor is a small bay lying 1 mile (1.6 km) north of Camp Bay in the west side of the Bay of Isles, South Georgia. The names Rosita Harbour and Allardyce Harbour were given for this bay in the period 1905-12, and both have since appeared on maps for this feature. Following a survey of South Georgia in 1951-52, the South Georgia Survey reported that the feature is known locally as Rosita Harbour, and this name is approved on that basis. The name Allardyce is rejected as applied to this feature; the main mountain range at South Georgia is already named for William L. Allardyce.
Latitude: -54° 00' 60.00" S
Longitude: -37° 26' 59.99" W