Latitude and longitude of Havana

Satellite map of Havana

Havana (/həˈvænə/; Spanish: La Habana, [la aˈβana]) is the capital city, province, major port, and leading commercial centre of Cuba. The city proper has a population of 2.1 million inhabitants, and it spans a total of 728.26 km2 (281.18 sq mi) – making it the largest city by area, the most populous city, and the third largest metropolitan area in the Caribbean region. The city extends mostly westward and southward from the bay, which is entered through a narrow inlet and which divides into three main harbours: Marimelena, Guanabacoa and Atarés.

Latitude: 23° 00' 31.20" N
Longitude: -82° 18' 6.60" W

Read about Havana in the Wikipedia Satellite map of Havana in Google Maps
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GPS coordinates of Havana, Cuba

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