Latitude and longitude of Avenue Charles de Gaulle
- In Cameroon
Satellite map of Avenue Charles de Gaulle
Avenue Charles de Gaulle is one of the main streets and principal commercial avenue of N'Djamena, the capital of Chad, which is named after former French president Charles de Gaulle. It runs in a roughly west-east direction through the city. The western end of the road is the commercial district and the location of many foreign embassies and colonial-era buildings The avenue is one of the areas of the city where shopping is concentrated in, including the area near the Grande Mosquée, and includes bars, restaurants and markets.
Latitude: 12° 07' 10.90" N
Longitude: 15° 02' 1.91" E
Nearest city to this article: N'Djamena
Read about Avenue Charles de Gaulle in the Wikipedia Satellite map of Avenue Charles de Gaulle in Google Maps