Satellite map of Vidin Heights
- In Antarctica
Map of Vidin Heights
Vidin Heights (Vidinski Vazvisheniya \'vi-din-ski v&z-vi-'she-ni-ya\) are predominantly ice-covered heights rising to 604 m on Varna Peninsula, eastern Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. The feature is approximately 8 km long from the north end of Leslie Gap east-northeastwards to Inott Point and 9.6 km north-northeastwards to Sayer Nunatak. The summit, Miziya Peak, is located 9.25 km north by east of Mount Bowles, 4.24 km north-northeast of Leslie Hill, 9.47 km south of Williams Point and 7.52 km west of Edinburgh Hill. The heights feature also Samuel Peak 1.9 km east-southeast of Miziya Peak, and Sharp Peak at their east-northeast extremity.
Latitude: -62° 31' 23.99" S
Longitude: -60° 07' 18.00" W