Articles near the latitude and longitude of Moundsville

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Moundsville is a city in Marshall County, West Virginia, along the Ohio River. It is part of the Wheeling Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 9,318 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Marshall County. The city was named for the nearby Grave Creek Mound. Moundsville was settled in 1771 by Samuel & James Tomlinson. (Elizabethtown, as Tomlinson's community was called, was incorporated in 1830. Nearby, the town of Mound City was incorporated in 1832. (The two towns combined in 1865.) Fostoria Glass Company (specializing in hand blown glassworks) was headquartered in Moundsville from 1891 to 1986.

Population: 9,318

Latitude: 39° 55' 13.26" N
Longitude: -80° 44' 35.30" W

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