Articles near the latitude and longitude of Naperville

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Naperville is a suburb of Chicago, located in DuPage and Will counties in the State of Illinois. Naperville was voted the second-best place to live in the United States by Money magazine in 2006. It was rated 1st on the list of best cities for early retirement in 2013 by Kiplinger. In a 2010 study, Naperville was named the wealthiest city in the Midwest and eleventh in the nation with a population over 75,000. It was ranked among the nation's safest cities by USAToday. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 141,853, which was estimated to have increased to 144,864 by July 2013. It is the fifth-largest city in Illinois, preceded by Chicago, Aurora, Rockford, and Joliet.

Population: 141,853

Latitude: 41° 47' 9.10" N
Longitude: -88° 08' 50.24" W

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