Articles near the latitude and longitude of Cleveland, Ohio

Satellite map of Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland (/ˈklvlənd/ KLEEV-lənd) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County, the most populous county in the state. The city is located in northeastern Ohio on the southern shore of Lake Erie, approximately 60 miles (100 kilometers) west of the Pennsylvania border. It was founded in 1796 near the mouth of the Cuyahoga River, and became a manufacturing center owing to its location on the lake shore, as well as being connected to numerous canals and railroad lines. Cleveland's economy has diversified sectors that include manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, and biomedical.

Population: 396,815

Latitude: 41° 29' 58.20" N
Longitude: -81° 41' 43.48" W

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Articles of interest in Cleveland, Ohio

360 Articles of interest near Cleveland, Ohio, United States

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