Articles near the latitude and longitude of Taoyuan City

Satellite map of Taoyuan City

Taoyuan (Chinese: 桃園市; pinyin: Táoyuán Shì), is a special municipality in northwestern Taiwan, neighboring New Taipei, Hsinchu County, and Yilan County. Taoyuan District is the seat of the municipal government and that which, along with Zhongli District, forms a large metropolitan area, home to many industrial parks and tech company headquarters. Taoyuan developed from a satellite city of Taipei metropolitan area to be the fourth-largest metropolitan area, and fifth-largest populated city in Taiwan.

Population: 402,014

Latitude: 24° 59' 37.25" N
Longitude: 121° 17' 49.06" E

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GPS coordinates of Taoyuan City, Taiwan

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Articles of interest in Taoyuan City

115 Articles of interest near Taoyuan City, Taiwan

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