Articles near the latitude and longitude of Odintsovo

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Odintsovo (Russian: Одинцо́во) is a city and the administrative center of Odintsovsky District in Moscow Oblast, Russia.

Population: 137,041

Latitude: 55° 40' 40.73" N
Longitude: 37° 16' 39.83" E

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Articles of interest in Odintsovo

351 Articles of interest near Odintsovo, Russian Federation

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  • Russian Space Research Institute

    The Russian Space Research Institute (Russian: Институт космических исследований Российской академии наук, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian abbreviation: ИКИ РАН, IKI RAN) is the leading organization of the Russia…

  • Gnessin State Musical College

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  • Russian Academy of Theatre Arts

    The Russian University of Theatre Arts (Russian: Российский университет театрального искусства — ГИТИС) was founded on 22 September 1878 as the Shestakovsky Music School, became the Musico-Dramatic School of the Moscow Philharmonic Society in 1883, …

  • Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge

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  • Kremlin Arsenal

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  • House on the Embankment

    The House on the Embankment (Russian: Дом на набережной) is a block-wide apartment house in downtown Moscow, Russia. It faces Bersenevskaya Embankment on one side and Serafimovicha Street on the other side. It was completed in 1931 as the Government…

  • CSKA Ice Palace

    CSKA Ice Palace (Russian: Ледовый Дворец Спорта ЦСКА) is an Indoor arena in Moscow, Russia. Built in 1964, it was heavily renovated in 1991 and currently has 5,600 seats. It hosts ice hockey games of CSKA Moscow.

  • Rublyovka

    Rublevka or Rublyovka is an unofficial name of a prestigious residential area in the western suburbs of Moscow, Russia. It's located along Rublyovo-Uspenskoye Highway, Podushkinsoe, 1st Uspenskoe and 2nd Uspenskoe highways. The name is derived from …

  • Ostafyevo International Airport

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  • Steklov Institute of Mathematics

    Steklov Institute of Mathematics or Steklov Mathematical Institute (Russian: Математический институт имени В.А.Стеклова) is a research institute based in Moscow, specialized in mathematics, and a part of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The institut…

  • Patriarch Ponds

    Patriarshiye Ponds (Patriarch's Ponds, Russian: Патриаршие пруды) is an affluent residential area in downtown Presnensky District of Moscow, Russia. For the last 200 years, there has been only one pond, although, as the name of Tryokhprudny Pereulok…

  • Moscow State Linguistic University

    Moscow State Linguistic University (Russian: Московский государственный лингвистический университет, МГЛУ), previously known as Maurice Thorez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages (Russian: Московский государственный педагогически…