Articles near the latitude and longitude of Doha

Satellite map of Doha

Doha (Arabic: الدوحة‎, ad-Dawḥa or ad-Dōḥa, literally in MSA: "the big tree", locally: "rounded bays") is the capital city and most populous city of the State of Qatar. Doha has a population of 956,460 within the city proper. The city is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf in the east of the country. It is Qatar's fastest growing city, with over 40% of the nation's population living in Doha or its surrounding suburbs, and it is also the economic center of the country.

Population: 344,939

Latitude: 25° 16' 45.55" N
Longitude: 51° 31' 20.82" E

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GPS coordinates of Doha, Qatar

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Articles of interest in Doha

57 Articles of interest near Doha, Qatar

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