Articles near the latitude and longitude of Opole

Satellite map of Opole

Opole [ɔˈpɔlɛ] (German: Oppeln, Silesian German: Uppeln, Silesian: Uopole) is a city in southern Poland on the Oder River (Odra). It has a population of 125,992 (June 2009) and is the capital of the Opole Voivodeship and, also the seat of Opole County. Today, many German Upper Silesians and Poles of German ancestry live in the Opole region; in the city itself, however, Germans make up less than 3% of the population.

Population: 127,676

Latitude: 50° 40' 19.60" N
Longitude: 17° 55' 31.19" E

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Articles of interest in Opole

134 Articles of interest near Opole, Poland

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