Articles near the latitude and longitude of Bydgoszcz

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Bydgoszcz /ˈbɪdɡɒʃ/ (Polish pronunciation: [ˈbɨdɡɔʂt͡ʂ], German: Bromberg [ˈbʁɔmbɛɐ̯k], Latin: Bydgostia) is a city located in northern Poland, on the Brda and Vistula rivers. With a city population of 358,614 (June 2014), and an urban agglomeration with more than 470,000 inhabitants, Bydgoszcz is the 8th-largest city in Poland. It has been the seat of Bydgoszcz County and the co-capital, with Toruń, of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship since 1999.

Population: 366,452

Latitude: 53° 07' 24.60" N
Longitude: 18° 00' 27.43" E

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168 Articles of interest near Bydgoszcz, Poland

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