Articles near the latitude and longitude of Tultitlán

Satellite map of Tultitlán

Tultitlán de Mariano Escobedo is the seat of the municipality of Tultitlán located in the northeastern part of the state of México in Mexico. It lies adjacent to the northern tip of the Federal District (Distrito Federal) and is part of the Greater Mexico City urban area. Both the city and the municipality are interchangeably known as San Antonio Tultitlán or simply Tultitlán, a name which comes from Náhuatl meaning "among the tule plants". "de Mariano Escobedo" was added to the city's name in 1902 in honor of the general who fought in the Mexican-American War and for the liberals during the period of La Reforma with Benito Juárez.

Population: 24,387

Latitude: 19° 38' 51.22" N
Longitude: -99° 10' 4.66" W

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GPS coordinates of Tultitlán, Mexico

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Articles of interest in Tultitlán

206 Articles of interest near Tultitlán, Mexico

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