Articles near the latitude and longitude of Texcoco de Mora

Satellite map of Texcoco de Mora

Texcoco is a city and municipality located in the State of Mexico, 25 km northeast of Mexico City. In the pre-Hispanic era, this was a major Aztec city on the shores of Lake Texcoco. After the Conquest, the city was initially the second most important after Mexico City, but its importance faded over time, becoming more rural in character. Over the colonial and post-independence periods, most of Lake Texcoco was drained and the city is no longer on the shore and much of the municipality is on lakebed.

Population: 115,378

Latitude: 19° 30' 42.98" N
Longitude: -98° 52' 58.55" W

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GPS coordinates of Texcoco de Mora, Mexico

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Articles of interest in Texcoco de Mora

194 Articles of interest near Texcoco de Mora, Mexico

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