Articles near the latitude and longitude of San Miguel Zinacantepec

Satellite map of San Miguel Zinacantepec

Zinacantepec is a town and municipality located just west of the city of Toluca in Mexico State, Mexico. The community is named after a small mountain which contained two caves which used to be filled with thousands of bats. Zinacantepec is Nahuatl for Bat Mountain. Its Aztec glyph is a bat on a mountain. In the 18th century, the population of this mountain moved to settle alongside the Franciscan monastery established here in the 16th century. This monastery is the best preserved of a network of missionaries established in the Toluca Valley in the mid 16th century.

Population: 54,220

Latitude: 19° 17' 3.41" N
Longitude: -99° 44' 2.18" W

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GPS coordinates of San Miguel Zinacantepec, Mexico

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Articles of interest in San Miguel Zinacantepec

20 Articles of interest near San Miguel Zinacantepec, Mexico

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