Articles near the latitude and longitude of Triolet

Satellite map of Triolet

Triolet is a village in the north of Mauritius, found in the district of Pamplemousses. It lies exactly 11 kilometres from Port Louis, the capital of the island. The village is a patch of civilisation amid green sugarcane fields, near the north-western coast of the island. To its north lie Trou-aux-Biches, Mont-Choisy and Grand Baie which are coastal villages, while to its west are Pointe-aux-piments and Balaclava.

Population: 23,269

Latitude: -20° 03' 16.99" S
Longitude: 57° 32' 43.01" E

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Articles of interest in Triolet

42 Articles of interest near Triolet, Mauritius

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