Articles near the latitude and longitude of Gżira

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Gżira (Maltese: Il-Gżira) is a town in the Central Region of Malta. It is located between Msida and Sliema, also bordering on Ta' Xbiex. It has a population of 8,029 as of March 2014. The word Gżira means "island" in Maltese, and the town is named after Manoel Island which lies just adjacent to the town. The seafront of Gżira is famed for its views of the walled city of Valletta, which are illuminated at night, forming a picturesque backdrop to Manoel Island, the yacht marina and a seafront public garden.

Population: 7,513

Latitude: 35° 54' 20.99" N
Longitude: 14° 29' 17.02" E

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Articles of interest in Gżira

140 Articles of interest near Gżira, Malta

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