Articles near the latitude and longitude of Sinnai

Satellite map of Sinnai

Sinnai, Sìnnia in Sardinian language, is a comune (municipality) of the Cagliari metropolitan area in the Province of Cagliari in the Italian region Sardinia, located about 12 kilometres (7 mi) northeast of Cagliari. According to 2011 census, it has 16,730 inhabitants.

Population: 15,791

Latitude: 39° 18' 10.30" N
Longitude: 9° 12' 10.19" E

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GPS coordinates of Sinnai, Italy

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Articles of interest in Sinnai

19 Articles of interest near Sinnai, Italy

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  • Cagliari Observatory

    The Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari (Cagliari Observatory, OAC) is an astronomical observatory owned and operated by Italy's Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (National Institute for Astrophysics, INAF). It is located 20 km away from Cagliari i…