Articles near the latitude and longitude of Le Rughe

Satellite map of Le Rughe

Le Rughe is a village in Italy.

Population: 2,879

Latitude: 42° 04' 7.86" N
Longitude: 12° 22' 34.46" E

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Articles of interest in Le Rughe

551 Articles of interest near Le Rughe, Italy

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  • Ponte Sisto

    Ponte Sisto is a bridge in Rome's historic centre, spanning the river Tiber. It connects Via dei Pettinari in the Rione of Regola to Piazza Trilussa in Trastevere. The construction of the current bridge occurred between 1473 and 1479, and was commis…

  • Testaccio

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  • Villa Giulia

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  • Tomb of the Scipios

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  • Temple of Concord

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  • Stadium of Domitian

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  • Lake Bracciano

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  • Church of Domine Quo Vadis

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  • Teatro Argentina

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