Articles near the latitude and longitude of Ara Nova

Satellite map of Ara Nova

Ara Nova is a town in Italy.

Population: 6,158

Latitude: 41° 55' 58.80" N
Longitude: 12° 14' 23.28" E

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Articles of interest in Ara Nova

575 Articles of interest near Ara Nova, Italy

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  • Via Condotti

    Via Condotti (officially Via dei Condotti) is a busy and fashionable street of Rome, Italy. In Roman times it was one of the streets that crossed the ancient Via Flaminia and enabled people who transversed the Tiber to reach the Pincio hill. It begi…

  • Paul VI Audience Hall

    The Paul VI Audience Hall (Italian: Aula Paolo VI) is a building in Rome named for Pope Paul VI with a seating capacity of 6,300, designed in reinforced concrete by the Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi and completed in 1971. It lies partially in t…

  • Palazzo della Cancelleria

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  • Catacomb of Priscilla

    The Catacomb of Priscilla on the Via Salaria in Rome, Italy, is situated in what was a quarry in Roman times. This quarry was used for Christian burials from the late 2nd century through the 4th century. Some of the walls and ceilings display fine d…

  • Porta Pia

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  • Jubilee Church

    The Jubilee Church, formally known as Chiesa di Dio Padre Misericordioso (Italian for Church of God the Merciful Father), is a Roman Catholic church and community center in Tor Tre Teste in Rome. According to Richard Meier, its architect, it is "the…

  • Scala Regia (Vatican)

    Scala Regia (Latin pronunciation: [ˈskaːla ˈreːɡia] and Italian pronunciation: [ˈskaːla ˈreːdʒia]; English: Royal Staircase) is a flight of steps in the Vatican City and is part of the formal entrance to the Vatican. It was built by Antonio da Sanga…

  • Protestant Cemetery, Rome

    The Cimitero Acattolico ("Non-Catholic Cemetery") of Rome, often referred to as the Cimitero dei protestanti ("Protestant Cemetery") or Cimitero degli Inglesi ("Englishmen's Cemetery"), is a public cemetery in the rione of Testaccio in Rome. It is n…

  • Pons Fabricius

    The Pons Fabricius (Italian: Ponte Fabricio, meaning "Fabricius' Bridge") or Ponte dei Quattro Capi, is the oldest Roman bridge in Rome, Italy, still existing in its original state. Built in 62 BC, it spans half of the Tiber River, from the Campus M…

  • Pincian Hill

    The Pincian Hill (Italian: Pincio, from Latin Mons Pincius) is a hill in the northeast quadrant of the historical center of Rome. The hill lies to the north of the Quirinal, overlooking the Campus Martius.

  • Pasquino

    Pasquino or Pasquin (Latin: Pasquillus) is the name used by Romans since the early modern period to describe a battered Hellenistic-style statue dating to the 3rd century BC, which was unearthed in the Parione district of Rome in the 15th century.