Articles near the latitude and longitude of Kadaň

Satellite map of Kadaň

Kadaň (Czech pronunciation: [ˈkadaɲ]; German: Kaaden), is a city in the Ústí nad Labem Region of the Czech Republic. The city lies on the banks of the river Ohře. Although it is situated in an industrial part of the Czech Republic there is no major industry within the city and people usually work in offices or have to commute. There are two large power plants nearby (Tušimice and Prunéřov). Kadaň is a tourist centre with highlights being the Franciscan Monastery and the historical square with late Gothic Town Hall Tower.

Population: 18,759

Latitude: 50° 22' 59.99" N
Longitude: 13° 16' 0.01" E

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GPS coordinates of Kadaň, Czech Republic

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Articles of interest in Kadaň

20 Articles of interest near Kadaň, Czech Republic

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