Articles near the latitude and longitude of Gstaad

Satellite map of Gstaad

Gstaad (/ˈʃtɑːd/ or /ɡəˈʃtɑːd/; Alemannic German: [kʃtaːd̥]) is a village in the German-speaking section of the Canton of Berne in southwestern Switzerland. It is part of the municipality of Saanen and is known as a major ski resort and a popular destination amongst the high society and the international jet set. The winter campus of the Institute Le Rosey is located in Gstaad.

Population: 9,200

Latitude: 46° 28' 19.74" N
Longitude: 7° 17' 12.66" E

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GPS coordinates of Gstaad, Switzerland

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Articles of interest in Gstaad

104 Articles of interest near Gstaad, Switzerland

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