Kalinkovo (Hungarian: Szemet) is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.
Kalinkovo (Hungarian: Szemet) is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.
Kalameny is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.
Jelka (Hungarian: Jóka) is a large village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.
Jelenec is a municipality and village in the Nitra District of the south-west of Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.
Jedlinka is a village and small municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.
Jasová (Hungarian: Jászfalu) is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.
Jasenov is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.
Janík is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.
Jalšovík (Hungarian: Bozókaslók) is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.
Jakubany (Rusyn: Якубяны, Yakubyany) is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.
Jaklovce is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.
Jacovce is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia. In 2011 it had 1770 inhabitants.
Jabloň is a village and municipality in Humenné District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.
Iňačovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.
Ivanovce ( Hungarian: Ivánháza ) is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.
Ivanka pri Nitre is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.
Ihráč is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.
Hôrka is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.
Hájske is a village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of southwest Slovakia.
Huty is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.
Husák is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.
Husiná (Hungarian: Guzsona, earlier: Guszonya) is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.
Huncovce (Hungarian: Hunfalva, til 1902: Hunfalu, German: Hunsdorf, Hunszdorf, Hundsdorf in der Zips, Hunzdorf, Hunesdorf, Yiddish: אונסדאָרףֿ Unsdorf, Hebrew: אונסדורף, Latin: Villa Canis, Hunisvilla) is a village and municipality in Kežmarok Dist…
Hucín (German: Hutzendorf; Hungarian: Gice) is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.
Hubošovce is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.
Hrušov (Hungarian: Magasmajtény) is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.
Hronovce (Hungarian: Lekér) is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.
Hrabovčík is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.
Hrabovec nad Laborcom is a village and municipality in Humenné District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.
Hrabovec (Hungarian: Rabóc) is a village and municipality in the Bardejov District, Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.
Hozelec is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.
Hosťová (Hungarian: Nyitrageszte) is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.
Hostovice is a village and municipality in Snina District of the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.
Hostie is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.
Horné Zelenice is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.
Horné Srnie ( Hungarian: Felsőszernye ) is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.