Latitude and longitude of Tegucigalpa
- Nearby Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Satellite map of Tegucigalpa
Tegucigalpa (Spanish pronunciation: [teɣusiˈɣalpa], formally Tegucigalpa, Municipality of the Central District Spanish: Tegucigalpa, Municipio del Distrito Central or Tegucigalpa, M.D.C.), commonly referred to as Tegus, is the capital of Honduras and seat of government of the Republic, along with its twin sister Comayagüela.
Latitude: 14° 04' 59.88" N
Longitude: -87° 13' 0.12" W
Nearest city to this article: Tegucigalpa
Read about Tegucigalpa in the Wikipedia Satellite map of Tegucigalpa in Google Maps