Latitude and longitude of Suriname

  • Suriname (FR)
  • Suriname (DE)
  • Surinam (ES)

Satellite map of Suriname

Suriname (/ˈsʊrɨnæm/, /ˈsʊrɨnɑːm/ or /ˈsʊrɨnəm/, also spelled Surinam), officially known as the Republic of Suriname (Dutch: Republiek Suriname, Dutch pronunciation: [ˌreːpyˈblik ˌsyːriˈnaːmə]), is a sovereign state on the northeastern Atlantic coast of South America.

Read about Suriname in the Wikipedia

Latitude: 3° 55' 23.86" N
Longitude: -56° 01' 28.68" W

Population: 492,829

Capital: Paramaribo

Country ISO codes: SR / SUR / 740

Oficial languages:
English (en), Javanese (jv), Dutch; Flemish (nl)

Oficial coin(s): Dollar (SRD)

Neighbour countries:
Brazil ( BR ), French Guiana ( GF ), Guyana ( GY )

GPS coordinates of Suriname

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Places of interest in Suriname