Latitude and longitude of San Marino

  • Saint-Marin (FR)
  • San Marino (DE)
  • San Marino (ES)

Satellite map of San Marino

San Marino, officially the Republic of San Marino (/sæn məˈrn/ san-mə-REE-noh; Italian: Repubblica di San Marino), also known as the Most Serene Republic of San Marino (Italian: Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino), is an enclaved microstate surrounded by Italy, situated on the Italian Peninsula on the north-eastern side of the Apennine Mountains. Its size is just over 61 km2 (24 sq mi) with an estimated population of about 32,000 with its capital being the City of San Marino and its largest city being Dogana.

Read about San Marino in the Wikipedia

Latitude: 43° 56' 34.36" N
Longitude: 12° 27' 36.34" E

Population: 31,477

Capital: City of San Marino

Country ISO codes: SM / SMR / 674

Oficial languages:
Italian (it)

Oficial coin(s): Euro (EUR)

Neighbour countries:
Italy ( IT )

GPS coordinates of San Marino

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